Average Handling Time (AHT)

(AHT) measures the average duration taken to resolve a customerโ€™s issue, including talk time, hold time, and after-call work.

Average Handling Time (AHT)

What Does AHT Stand For in Customer Service?

AHT, or Average Handling Time, represents the average duration of a customer service interaction, encompassing both the time spent talking to the customer and any follow-up work. This metric helps organizations gauge how effectively their support teams are managing customer interactions.

How to Calculate AHT

Average handling time in a call center includes all aspects of the interaction process and is crucial for assessing operational efficiency. The average handle time benchmark varies by industry and helps set performance targets.

Use the average handling time formula:

AHT = (Total Talk Time + Total Hold Time + Total After-Call Work) / Total Number of Calls

This formula helps determine the average length of customer interactions.

Ways to Improve Average Handle Time

  • Streamline Processes: Simplify procedures for efficiency.
  • Enhance Training: Improve agent skills for faster resolutions.
  • Leverage Technology: Use tools for quicker data retrieval.
  • Monitor Performance: Analyze AHT data to identify improvements.

Optimizing and Evaluating Average Handle Time

Reducing average handle time involves optimizing workflows and eliminating inefficiencies to enhance operational efficiency. A good average handle time balances efficiency and customer satisfaction, with acceptable ranges varying by industry. To assess performance effectively, organizations can refer to the average handle time industry standard, which provides benchmarks for comparison. Additionally, using an average handle time calculator can help accurately determine this metric by inputting relevant data.


Maintaining an optimal Average Handling Time (AHT) is essential for balancing operational efficiency with customer satisfaction. By leveraging industry benchmarks and continuous improvement strategies, organizations can effectively manage and enhance their customer service performance.

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    Average Handling Time (AHT)